About Kimberly
Hello and welcome to my ham radio world!
I'm Kimberly, a proud ham radio operator from Yuma, Arizona, USA. Although originally from California, I spent my formative years traveling. I also hold the GMRS callsign WQYT648.
As a transgender woman, I kindly ask you to use she/her pronouns and treat me as the young lady I am. Embracing diversity, I'm diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum.
With a passion for technology, electronics, computers, and radio, I'm also an avid gamer and a DJ. On the airwaves, I'm actively engaged in HF digital modes, including JS8, PSK-31, RTTY, VarAC, Winlink, and FT8. Additionally, I enjoy SSB Voice, FreeDV, SSTV, System Fusion (C4FM), DMR, FM, and other modes. I also enjoy being a net control operator for the Pride Radio Group Net.
Starting as a CB radio operator and GMRS user, I transitioned to Amateur Radio, where I occasionally revisit my roots. You might catch me playfully identifying as "Old Mother Owl" on the air, adding a touch of whimsy to my ham radio experience.
Achieving my Technician license on June 15, 2020, and advancing to General on August 10, 2020, I'm aiming for the Extra class license in the near future.
I, along with two Australian hams, initiated the "Pride Radio Network," fostering a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community and allies to connect over the airwaves. For network details, click here.
Amateur Radio Equipment:
Thanks to all the generous hams who gave me some of this stuff!
They are awesome & without them, I wouldn't be on the air.
Amateur Radio Mesh Networking:
Current HF Radios:
Former HF Radios:
Power Supplies:
Non-amateur Radio Equipment:
Clubs & Activities:
QSL Information: I accept QSL cards via paper, email, eQSL, and LOTW. While I prefer direct cards, Bureau submissions are also welcomed. SWL (shortwave listener) & scanner listener QSLs are also accepted.
Contact & Other Information:
Feel free to explore my online photo archive featuring QSL cards here.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about my ham radio journey. 73 and happy reading!
This profile was written with the help of ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model, using my input as guidance.
Hello and welcome to my ham radio world!
I'm Kimberly, a proud ham radio operator from Yuma, Arizona, USA. Although originally from California, I spent my formative years traveling. I also hold the GMRS callsign WQYT648.
As a transgender woman, I kindly ask you to use she/her pronouns and treat me as the young lady I am. Embracing diversity, I'm diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum.
With a passion for technology, electronics, computers, and radio, I'm also an avid gamer and a DJ. On the airwaves, I'm actively engaged in HF digital modes, including JS8, PSK-31, RTTY, VarAC, Winlink, and FT8. Additionally, I enjoy SSB Voice, FreeDV, SSTV, System Fusion (C4FM), DMR, FM, and other modes. I also enjoy being a net control operator for the Pride Radio Group Net.
Starting as a CB radio operator and GMRS user, I transitioned to Amateur Radio, where I occasionally revisit my roots. You might catch me playfully identifying as "Old Mother Owl" on the air, adding a touch of whimsy to my ham radio experience.
Achieving my Technician license on June 15, 2020, and advancing to General on August 10, 2020, I'm aiming for the Extra class license in the near future.
I, along with two Australian hams, initiated the "Pride Radio Network," fostering a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community and allies to connect over the airwaves. For network details, click here.
Amateur Radio Equipment:
Thanks to all the generous hams who gave me some of this stuff!
They are awesome & without them, I wouldn't be on the air.
- Yaesu FTM-300D
- Yaesu FTM-100D, linked to a dummy load & HRI-200, RF linked to MMDVM
- AnyTone AT-5888UV (set aside)
- Yaesu FT-4XR with a Nagoya NA-771 antenna
- Yaesu FT-70D with a Signal Stick antenna
- Radioddity GD-77 (TYT MD-760) with an unknown whip antenna, OpenGD77 installed
- Baofeng UV-5R with a Nagoya NA-771 antenna
- Several MMDVM Raspberry Pi hotspots
- Shari Node (failed)
Amateur Radio Mesh Networking:
- GL.iNet GL-AR300M16-ext on the AREDN network
- Linksys WRT54GS v2 on the Broadband Hamnet network
Current HF Radios:
- None
Former HF Radios:
- uBitx v6 QRP rig (failed)
- Icom IC-718 (failed)
- TenTec Omni A (failed)
- MFJ-1026 noise canceling signal enhancer (blown fuse)
- MFJ-948 manual antenna tuner for HF
- MFJ-923 manual antenna tuner for VHF/UHF
- MFJ-893 SWR & Power meter for VHF/UHF (set aside)
- SignaLink USB, Digirig
- Manual Antenna switch, Automatic Antenna Switch
- Automatic SDR Receiver TR Switch
- Astatic CB Microphone with a custom-made adapter
- DVMEGA 3000, DVMEGA Globetrotter
- Several RTL-SDR dongles and one HF upconverter
- 50W HF + 50MHz amplifier from www.60dBm.com
- Off-center fed dipole (not in use, need help installing)
- 20/40m fan dipole (not in use at this time)
- Comet GP-3 for 2m and 70cm bands
- Vertical CB antenna
Power Supplies:
- MFJ-4230MV
- Alinco DM-30TR
Non-amateur Radio Equipment:
- GMRS: (non-functioning radio)
- CB: President McKinley USA & Uniden Bearcat 980
- Shortwave listening: RTL-SDR dongle with HF upconverter
- Scanner listening: RTL-SDR dongles
- Meshtastic: A pair of Heltic v3 nodes & a T-Beam Supreme
Clubs & Activities:
- Young Amateurs Radio Club, WY4RC, #414
- The Transmitter Society, WA1FU, #404
- Pride Radio Group, K3PRG & VK3PRG
- Rainbow Amateur Radio Association, WK8X
- Young Ladies Radio League, K4LMB
- O.M. International Sidemand Society (OMISS), KN4OM, #15032
- Narwhal Amateur Radio Society, NR7WL
QSL Information: I accept QSL cards via paper, email, eQSL, and LOTW. While I prefer direct cards, Bureau submissions are also welcomed. SWL (shortwave listener) & scanner listener QSLs are also accepted.
Contact & Other Information:
- Website: kimberlychase.com
- Email: my callsign @ gmail.com
- Hamshack hotline: 50189
- Hams Over IP: 100137 or DMR ID 3168094 (private calls)
- DAPNET/Hampager: Send messages to my callsign
- Mastodon: @[email protected]
Feel free to explore my online photo archive featuring QSL cards here.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about my ham radio journey. 73 and happy reading!
This profile was written with the help of ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model, using my input as guidance.

This work by Kimberly Chase - KJ7OMO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.